How To Allow Team Create in Roblox Studio - Tutorial

Are you tired of working on Roblox Studio projects alone? If you want to collaborate with others, you can allow team create in Roblox Studio to bring in a team of developers. With this feature, you can give other developers access to your projects, making it easier to work together and bring your vision to life. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a team and allowing team create in Roblox Studio.

Enable Team Create in Roblox Studio

While editing your Roblox experience in Studio, navigate to the View tab and click on the Team Create icon on the top left of this window. Click on Turn On to turn on team create. This will take a second to reload the game world, and team create will be enabled. When this is done, you will see a list of users who can edit your Roblox place within Studio.

Enable Team Create for your Roblox Place

Manage & Add Collaborators

To manage, or add new users, click on the Collaborate button. From here, you can look up friends or other users and add them as collaborators.

Manage Roblox Place Collaborators

Edit Roblox Experience Permissions

In some cases, users will not be able to join your Roblox Studio session, as your permissions won’t allow it. Navigate to the Home tab and click on Game Settings. On this window, navigate to the Permissions section and change the Playability setting from Private or Friends to Public. This will allow any invited user to collaborate with you on your Roblox place.

Roblox Game Settings > Permissions

In the “Other” section, make sure to enable the Collaborative Editing option, which will also allow users to edit Roblox Studio scripts.

Roblox Game Settings > Other

Disable Team Create

To disable Team Create, simply head back to the Team Create window, and click on the burger menu icon before selecting Disable Team Create.

Team Create > Disable Team Create


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