How To Accept Friend Request in Roblox Mobile
Roblox is a massively popular online gaming platform with millions of active users. One of the most important aspects of this platform is building connections with other players through friend requests. Accepting a friend request in Roblox mobile is a simple process, but it can be unclear for new users. In this article, we will guide you on accepting friend requests in Roblox mobile with a step-by-step process. So, let's get started.
Find the Roblox Friend Requests
Open Roblox mobile and navigate to the More tab. Tap on Friends.
Roblox Mobile > More > Friends
This will allow you to preview all of your current Friends. Next to the search icon, tap the social icon on the top right of your screen.
Preview all of your current friend requests. You can Ignore or Accept the requests from here.
Accept or Ignore your Roblox friend requests
Add A Roblox User as Friend
If you wish to add a new user, navigate to the Friends tab. Tap on the Search icon and make sure to enter the username of the person you wish to add.
Search for the Roblox friend
You can add the user or tap on the Avatar to preview their profile. Tap on Add Friend to add this user and send a friend request, or directly message the user.
Add user as friend or message them