Fix YouTube Videos Long Loading Time on Google Chrome


Experiencing long loading times on YouTube using Google Chrome can be frustrating. This guide provides simple steps to improve your streaming experience by optimizing your Chrome settings and managing extensions.

Adjust Chrome's Hardware Acceleration

  • Open Chrome: Click the menu icon (three dots) at the top right corner.

  • Access Settings: Select 'Settings' from the dropdown menu.

  • Find System Settings: Click on 'System' on the left pane.

  • Toggle Hardware Acceleration: Locate 'Use hardware acceleration when available' and toggle it on or off to see which setting improves performance.

disable hardware acceleration

Toggle the Hardware Acceleration for Google Chrome

Manage Chrome Extensions

  • Access Extensions: In the Chrome menu, navigate to 'More tools' > 'Extensions'.

  • Review and Disable: Disable extensions that are not essential.

  • Identify Problematic Extensions: Disable all extensions and re-enable them one by one to find any causing issues, especially ad-blockers.

disable chrome extensions

Disable unneeded Chrome extensions

Keep Chrome Updated

  • Open Chrome Settings: Click the three dots in the top right corner, then select 'Settings'.

  • Visit 'About Chrome': Located at the bottom of the settings menu.

  • Automatic Updates: If an update is available, Chrome will automatically download and install it.

update chrome

Chrome Settings > About > Update Chrome

Clear Browsing Data Regularly

  • Access Privacy Settings: Go to 'Settings' > 'Privacy and Security'.

  • Select 'Clear Browsing Data': Choose to clear browsing history, cookies, and cached files.

  • Choose Time Range: For best results, select 'All time'.

clear browsing data

Clear your Google Chrome browsing data

Reset YouTube Site Permissions

  • Find Site Settings: In 'Privacy and Security', click 'Site Settings'.

  • Locate YouTube: Under 'Recent Activity', find and select YouTube.

  • Reset Permissions: Click 'Reset Permissions' to default YouTube settings in Chrome.

reset youtube permissons

Reset the permissions on Google Chrome

By following these steps, you can improve YouTube loading times and enjoy a smoother streaming experience on Google Chrome.

  • YouTube videos may load slowly due to outdated Chrome versions, excessive browser cache, overloaded extensions, or incorrect browser settings like hardware acceleration.

  • To speed up loading, update Chrome, clear your browser's cache, disable unnecessary extensions, adjust hardware acceleration settings, and reset site permissions for YouTube.

  • Disabling hardware acceleration can help if your device struggles with GPU tasks. However, if your device handles graphics well, enabling it may actually enhance performance.

  • Yes, some extensions, especially ad blockers or those that manipulate website content, can slow down YouTube video loading times.

  • In Chrome, navigate to 'About Chrome' under settings. This page automatically checks for updates and shows your current browser version.


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