How To Fix WiFi Adapter Missing on Windows 10/11


Ever encountered a situation where your WiFi adapter mysteriously disappears on your Windows 10 or Windows 11 PC? You're not alone. As an essential part of your computer's network connectivity, it can be quite a challenge when this happens, leaving you in search of solutions to restore your WiFi connection. This guide aims to arm you with easy, step-by-step solutions to help you tackle this elusive problem. Whether it's navigating your Device Manager, updating the WiFi adapter driver, or resetting your network settings, you'll learn how to reclaim your WiFi adapter and ensure your online world runs smoothly again.

Identifying Network Adapter Issues

Begin your troubleshooting journey by accessing the Device Manager. This is as simple as right-clicking the Start button and choosing 'Device Manager' from the dropdown menu. In the Device Manager window, find and expand the 'Network adapters' section. If your WiFi adapter is not listed or flagged with a yellow exclamation mark, it signifies a problem.

locate driver

Device Manager > Network Adapters

Performing a System Restart

In many instances, minor glitches can be resolved with a straightforward system restart. Reboot your computer and verify if this quick fix prompts the reappearance of your WiFi adapter.

Refreshing Your Network Adapter Driver

Should the restart prove ineffective, it's time to turn your attention to updating the WiFi adapter driver. This process is initiated by right-clicking the WiFi adapter within the Device Manager and opting for 'Update driver'. Selecting the 'Search automatically for updated driver software' ensures that Windows scours for, and installs, the most recent driver available.

update driver

Device Manager > Network Adapters > Update Driver

Ensuring Windows Updates

Maintaining the most recent version of your Windows operating system is paramount for optimal device performance. You can achieve this by launching your Windows settings, navigating to the "Windows Update" section, and clicking "Check for Updates". Proceed to download and install any available updates to ensure your system's functionality is at its best.

windows update

Windows Settings > Windows Update

Toggle Your Network Adapter

Persisting issues might necessitate disabling and re-enabling your WiFi adapter. You can accomplish this by revisiting the Device Manager, right-clicking on your WiFi adapter, and selecting 'Disable device'. After a brief pause, right-click once more and choose 'Enable device'. This can rectify any temporary glitches or driver conflicts hindering your adapter's performance.

disable wifi adapter

Toggle the network adapter OFF and ON

Network Settings Reset

If the aforementioned steps fall short, your final resort could be a network settings reset. To proceed, open your Windows Settings and seek out the 'Network & Internet' option. Locate and select 'Network reset'. Following the provided instructions will reset your network settings. Be aware that this will erase all saved WiFi networks and VPN connections, requiring you to set them up anew.

reset network settings

Network & Internet Settings > Network Reset


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