How To Disable Repeated Text Message Alerts on iPhone



Drowning in a flood of repeat text notifications on your iPhone? If the constant dings have you at your wits' end, you're in the right place! Our guide takes you by the hand and shows you how to harness your device's settings to disable repeated text message alerts. From the notifications section to the software update options, we've got it all mapped out for you. So, let's reclaim your peace of mind together. Don't let your iPhone's insistent nudges hijack your focus any longer!

Adjusting Notification Settings for Text Messages

Are repeat alerts on your iPhone interrupting your peace of mind? Let's put an end to the recurring noise. Simply:

  • Open the 'Settings' application on your iPhone.

  • Look for the 'Notifications' option and tap on it.

iphone notification settings

iPhone Settings > Notifications

  • Scroll down until you find the 'Messages' app.

  • Inside the 'Messages' notification settings, you will see an option titled 'Customize Notifications'. Select that.

customize notification settings

Notification Settings > Messages > Customise Notifications

Next, you'll see 'Repeat Alerts'. Here's where you can modify the frequency of your alerts. Change the default option from 'Twice' to 'Once'. This alteration ensures that for each new text message you receive, you will be alerted only once.

repeat alerts settings

Repeat Alerts settings for Messages

Keeping Your iPhone Software Up-To-Date

A crucial aspect of maintaining an optimized iPhone is keeping the device updated. If your notification settings appear dissimilar to the ones described above, you might need an update. Follow these steps to ensure your iPhone runs the latest software:

  1. Go back to your main 'Settings'.

  2. Scroll down until you find 'General', and tap on it.

  3. Now, select 'Software Update'.

  4. Your device will now check for updates. If any are available, proceed to download and install them.

  5. Finally, restart your iPhone to apply the updates.

With these easy steps, you can keep your iPhone updated while putting an end to the incessant alerts of text messages.

iphone software update

iPhone Settings > General > Software Update


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