How To Download & Install Notepad++ on Windows 11

Notepad++ is a powerful, feature-rich text editor that has been a favorite among developers and coders for years. With its intuitive interface, powerful customization options, and robust syntax highlighting capabilities, it's no wonder why it's a staple in the tech community. But now, the process of downloading and installing Notepad++ has changed. In this article, we'll take you through the steps of how to download and install Notepad++ on Windows 11, ensuring that you'll be up and running in no time!

Download Notepad++

Navigate to to get to the official Notepad++ download page. From here, select to download the latest version. Download the standard installer, usually linked first on this page.

Download Latest Notpad++ Version

It should only take a couple of seconds to download the setup installer, and your browser can help you locate the downloaded file.

Locate Notepad++ Installer

Install Notepad++

After double-clicking the installer, you can proceed to select a language. Accept the license agreement and then you can choose a destination drive and folder where you wish to save the application.

Lastly, choose which optional components to install. The default selection should be best for most users. You can read a short description for each before clicking on Next. You can then proceed to install Notepad++ on your system.

Install Notepad++ on Windows

Create New & Open File

After launching Notepad++ for the first time, you will be presented with the latest updates. Navigate to File and click on New to start a new text file.  You can also select to open any text file with this text editor from your file explorer.

Notepad++ > File > New

Enable Dark Mode for Notepad++

To enable Dark Mode, navigate to Settings and click on Preferences.

Notepad++ > Settings > Preferences…

On this window, proceed to the Dark Mode section and check this box.

Notepad++ Preferences

Change Notepad++ Appearance

If you want to customize your Notepad++ appearance and colors, go back to your Settings and click Style Configurator. This will allow you to change the overall Theme and style for each language and the Font, font, and color styles for each language.

Notepad++ Style Configurator


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