How To Install & Use Hydra Bot On Discord
Discord is one of the most popular communication platforms for gamers, allowing them to connect with friends and fellow players from all around the world. However, did you know that Discord also offers an extensive library of bots to enhance your experience? And one of the most versatile and powerful bots out there is Hydra Bot. In this article, we'll guide you through installing and using Hydra Bot on Discord, giving you access to a whole new world of features and functionalities.
Invite Hydra Bot to your Discord Server
To install the Discord bot onto your server, click here to access the Hydra website. Ensure you are logged in with your Discord account and have administrator rights on the server to which you invite the bot. You must select the correct server, and it will open up a new window. Here, you will have to grant Hydra all permissions to function properly. After your select Authorize, you should see that the Hydra bot joined your Discord server.
Invite Hydra bot to Discord
Assign the Correct Role to Hydra Bot
Ensure the bot has the appropriate roles to function on your server. Navigate to your Discord server settings and select Roles. Make sure that the bot has admin permissions. When using multiple bots, we suggest creating a Bot role in your Discord server, which will have all of the permissions an administrator has, and you can add a new bot to the bot role to ensure it can be fully utilized. To add a bot to your group, right-click and assign it to the group. The .help command will give you access to all of the commands you need to use the bot or you can visit this website to get a full preview of the commands.
Discord > Server Settings > Roles