How To Block Friends From Seeing Your WhatsApp Status


Maintaining privacy on social media is crucial. If you want to keep certain friends from seeing your WhatsApp status updates, this guide will help you manage your privacy settings easily. Follow these steps to control who can view your personal moments on WhatsApp.

Enhancing Privacy on WhatsApp: Controlling Status Visibility

Understanding WhatsApp Privacy Settings

  • Open WhatsApp: Start by unlocking your smartphone and launching the WhatsApp application.

  • Access Status Privacy: Navigate to the "Status" tab. Look for three vertical dots or a settings icon in the top right corner and tap it to open the 'Status Privacy' settings.

whatsapp status privacy

Access your Status Privacy settings in WhatsApp

Customizing Your Status Visibility

  • Default Setting – My Contacts: All your contacts can view your status updates.

  • Selective Sharing – My Contacts Except...: Exclude specific contacts from viewing your status updates.

status privacy settings

Status Privacy Settings > My Contacts Except…

How to Selectively Share Your WhatsApp Status

  1. Review Your Contacts:

    • A list of all your WhatsApp contacts will be displayed.

  2. Make Your Selections:

    • Scroll through the list and select the contacts you want to exclude from viewing your status.

  3. Confirm Your Choices:

    • After selecting the contacts, hit the 'Done' button to save your privacy settings.

choose contacts

Choose contacts to exclude from seeing your status updates

The Impact of Your Selection

  • Personal Events: Share updates about personal milestones without broadcasting to professional contacts.

  • Sensitive Content: Ensure sensitive content is only seen by trusted individuals.

  • Selective Sharing: Manage distinct social circles by controlling what each group can see.

By using these steps, you can ensure your WhatsApp status updates are visible only to those you choose, maintaining your privacy and enhancing your social media experience.


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