How To Turn Off Activity Status on Instagram - iPhone & Android


If you're seeking a bit more privacy on Instagram and wish to make your online status less visible, you've come to the right place. This quick guide will demonstrate how to disable your Instagram Activity Status on both iPhone and Android devices, providing you the discretion you desire. By following the outlined steps, you can easily navigate the settings to control how others interact with you on this social media platform, whether you're recently active, currently active, or chatting in real-time. Let's dive into the process of enhancing your Instagram privacy settings.

To modify your Instagram Activity Status, follow these succinct steps:

  • Launch Instagram: Open your Instagram app on your iPhone or Android device.

  • Access Profile: Click on the profile icon located at the bottom right of the screen to access your profile.

  • Open Settings: Tap on the three horizontal lines, commonly referred to as the 'burger menu', located at the top right corner of your profile. This will open the settings panel.

instagam account settings

Instagram Account > Settings and Privacy

  • Navigate to Privacy: From the options displayed, tap on "Privacy".

  • Adjust Interactions: Scroll down to the subheading "How others can interact with you", and tap on “Messages and story replies”.

instagram who can see youre online settings

Instagram Settings > Messages and story replies

  • Alter Activity Status: Look for “Show activity status.” Tapping on it will reveal the option to disable it. Toggle the “Show Activity Status” option off to maintain your privacy.

  • Optional Adjustment: If available and not greyed out, consider disabling the “Show When You’re Active Together” option. This feature shows your account status when both you and another user are active in the same chat.

Remember, once the Activity Status options are turned off, you won’t be able to see the activity statuses of other accounts you follow - whether they're “Recently Active” or “Currently Active”. This provides a more private and less intrusive Instagram experience.

activity status settings

Instagram Activity Status Settings


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